Haverford Township Historical Society

People in Haverford Township History
No, we don’t have detailed information or genealogical data on the 100,000-plus people who have lived in Haverford Township over 300-plus years, but we have pulled together documented information on some of them, and we continue to do so.
The following are PDF files of brief biographies, many with included family genealogical information, about people who have lived in Haverford Township:
- AIKENS, Hugh Haynes (1876-after 1940) and Family
- ANDERSON, Benjamin Smith, Dr. (1821-1894) and Family
- ATKINSON, John (1850-1915)
- BERKERY, Denniston A. (1896-1979)
- BEVAN, John (1646-ca. 1721)
- BITTLE, William (1816-1891) and Family
- BROOKE, William, General (1746-1829)
- BURNLEY, George (1804-1864); BURNLEY, Charles (1808-1881); BURNLEY, John (1820-1883)
- CONNELL, Joseph R. (1866-1926) and Family
- CORNOG, Allison Griscom (1896-1960) and Family
- CORNOGG, Isaac (1816-1882)
- DAVID, Lewis (16xx-1708)
- DAVIS, Harry Morgan (1868-19xx)
- DAVIS, Morgan Reese (1830-19xx)
- DEAVES, George Washington (1873-after 1922) and Family
- DICKINSON, Powell (1839-1918) and Family
- EACHUS, Virgil (ca. 1763-1838)
- ECKFELDT Family in Haverford_Township
- ELLIS, Ellis (16xx-1706)
- ELLIS, Humphrey (16xx-1741)
- ELLIS, Rudulph (1836-19xx)
- ELLIS, Thomas (16xx-1688)
- ESREY, Joseph (18xx-1886) and Family
- EVANS, D. Ridgeway (1860-after 1926) and Family
- FARRELL, John J., Rev. (1865-1939)
- FITZGERALD, William John (1864-19xx) and Family
- FLEMING, John (1828-19xx)
- FREEBORN, James (1824-19xx)
- GARDNER, John George (1851-19xx) and Family
- GETTZ, Charles Washington (1829-19xx) and Family
- GOLD, Julie – 1991 Song of the Year Grammy Winner
- HANLON, Alexander (1846-1927); HANLON, Robert (1880-19xx)
- HANNUM, John (1777-1867) and Family
- HAWTHORNE, John K. (1829-19xx)
- HAYES, Richard, Sr. (16xx-1697); HAYES, Richard, Jr. (16xx-1738)
- HERSHEY, William H. (1851-19xx) and Family
- HIBBERD, Samuel Hezekiah (1833-1924) and Family
- HORTON, William Frazer (1869-19xx) and Family
- HOSKINS, Jane (Fenn) (1693-1764)
- HOWELL, William (16xx-about 1710)
- HUGH, David (1676-1709)
- HUMPHREY, Benjamin (1662-1738)
- HUMPHREY, Charles (1714-1786)
- HUMPHREY, Daniel (1660-before 1738)
- HUMPHREY, Edward (1710-1776)
- HUMPHREY, Elizabeth (16xx-unknown)
- HUMPHREY, Joshua (1751-1838)
- JAMES, James (16xx-1708)
- JENKINS, Margaret (1674-1728)
- JENKINS, William (1648-1712)
- JOHNSON, William Albert (1850-19xx)
- KEEFE, Patrick James (1864-19xx) and Family
- KELLY, Dennis (1799-1864) and Family
- LAWRENCE, David (16xx-1699)
- LAWRENCE, Henry (1763-1810); LAWRENCE, Thomas D. (1800-1885)
- LAWRENCE, William Patterson (1856-19xx) and Family
- LEE, Robert Nicholas (1825-1913) and Family
- LEEDOM, John (1768-1842); LEEDOM, Joseph (3 of them)
- LEEDOM, Maris W. (1825-1873) and Family
- LEEDOM, Samuel (1797-1872) and Family
- LEWIS, Henry (16xx-1688); LEWIS, Henry (1671-1731)
- LEWIS, John (16xx-1704)
- LEWIS, Ralph (1645-1712)
- LEWIS, William (1636-1708)
- LINDSAY, John (1773-1860); LINDSAY, John C. (1817-1898); LINDSAY, George Brooke (1852-1918)
- LLEWELLYN, Morris (1645-1730) and Family
- LLOYD Family – Haverford’s Greatest Benefactors
- LOBB, E. Oscar (1880-1963) and Family
- LUKENS, Levi (ca. 1765-ca. 1820) and Family
- LYONS, Edward John (1878-after 1924)
- MARSTON, Henry Shreve (1861-19xx); MARSTON, Weaver Loper (1896-1936)
- MARTIN, William John (1824-1860) and Family
- MEDLICOT, Daniel (16xx-1697)
- MOORE, J. Leedom (1884-19xx)
- MOORE, Samuel Hale (1847-19xx)
- MORGAN, Owen (16xx-1704)
- MORLEY Family of Haverford College
- McCLELLAN, Joseph Thomas (1833-1909)
- McEVOY, John C. (1885-19xx)
- McKIM, William Walter (1891-1943)
- OAT, Joseph (1796-1888) and Family
- PADDOCK, Frederick Leighton (1846-1916)
- PAINTER, George (16xx-1687)
- PARRY, Roland (1670-1737); PARRY, John (1691-1740)
- PENNOCK, Abraham L. (1786-1868) and Family
- PERRY, Fred R. (1884-19xx)
- POWELL, Rowland (16xx-unknown)
- PRATT, Edward W. (1861-19xx)
- PYLE, Jonathan (1794-1879)
- RAWSON, James (1851-1933) and Family
- REES, Thomas (16xx-unknown)
- RICHARD, John (16xx-1696)
- RIGNEY, John (1818-1903)
- ROBERTS, I. Burton, Dr. (1874-19xx) and Family
- ROBERTS, W. Harry (1869-1938) and Family
- ROBERTS, William James (1867-19xx) and Family
- RUTHEROW or RYTHERICH, Reese (16xx-unknown)
- SAVAGE, Hugh (1846-19xx) and Family
- SCHECK, Frederick A. (1873-19xx) and Family
- SEIGLE, Samuel (1898-19xx)
- SHARPUS, William (16xx-1684)
- SHUPERT, Charles (about 1867-after 1940)
- SMITH, George, M. D. (1804-1882)
- STACKHOUSE, Emlen (1852-1919)
- STRAIN, George (1859-after 1940) and Family
- SUPER, Joseph (18xx-18xx) and Family
- TOAL, William Reilly (1893-19xx)
- TORRENS, Robert C. (1851-19xx)
- TRILL, Oliver (1864-after 1940) and Family
- TRIMBLE, Steven Mendenhall (1810-1898)
- VALENTINE, John Reed (1869-1921) and_Family
- WATKIN, Lewis (1802-1870)
- WATT, Samuel George (1854-19xx)
- WEEKS, J. Borton (1891-1940)
- WEIDEMANN, Thomas (1882-1960)
- WILLIAMSON, James (1810-1893); WILLIAMSON, George C. 1848-19xx)
- WORRALL, Elisha (1739-1829) and Family
- YARNALL, Holton Halloway (1862-1906)