Haverford Township Historical Society
Get to Know Us!

About the Haverford Historical Society
The Society is run by volunteers and supported by members and donors. We gather and preserve historical information and artifacts of township history, through donations and in some cases timely purchases. While we work closely and cooperatively with the township to occupy and enliven township-owned historic buildings with programs and activities, we do not receive any township funding into our accounts and do not own any buildings ourselves. In fact, we donate Society funds and our own volunteer time towards the upkeep of those township buildings with which we are involved. Founded in 1939, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Join Us!
We rely entirely on volunteered time and resources. You can help us and our efforts by simply becoming a member, donating, or volunteering your time and talent.
Board of Directors
- Kate Clifford – President; Volunteer Coordinator
- Chris Whiting – Vice President; Grounds; Heritage Festival
- Amy Wolfe – Treasurer
- Kelly Brennan – Education & School Programs
- Kathy Case – Historian & Researcher
- Irene Coffey – Librarian; Researcher
- Leslie Pugach
- Jacque Kardon
- Jim Segrave-Daly
- John Kirkland – Website/Tech; Heritage Festival
General inquiries: [email protected]
Phone: 484-452-3382
Donate to the Haverford Historical Society using paypal button below! Any amount is appreciated!