Haverford Township Historical Society
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The mission of the Haverford Township Historical Society is to protect, preserve and promote the history of our community and to sustain its cultural heritage for future generations through educational programs, accessible archives and site preservation.
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Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendar
Heritage Festival
June 1, 2025. 17th Annual Heritage Festival! Vendor registration now open. More Info: https://haverfordhistoricalsociety.org/heritage-festival/
Spring Talk: Baseball’s Early Days – Evolution of the National Pastime
April 3, 2025, 7:30 PM at the Quadrangle.
Today, millions of fans watch major league baseball games in stadiums and on televisions across America. Some lament the changes that have been made over the course of the past few years – the use of analytics, the pitch clock, the ghost runner, a deeper postseason. Baseball, they say, has been the same for over 150 years and it should not change.
However, baseball’s early days were anything but uniform or stale. The national pastime has endured and undergone significant changes in rules, playing equipment, and philosophies. “Baseball’s Early Days – Evolution of the National Pastime” will explore how and why baseball evolved in the 19th century. Particular attention will be paid to baseball in Philadelphia. Registration required.

DCVA Creek Cleanup @ Nitre Hall
April 26, 2025, 9AM – NOON.
More info and registration: http://argentasoftware.com/interfaces/dcva/frmEventTicketSalesForm.aspx?EventID=4462
Our latest newsletter!
Haverford Herald – 2024 Fall (LATEST!)
HTHS in Brief
The Haverford Township Historical Society was formed in 1939 to promote and sustain interest in the history of our community. With the specific function of preserving documents, artifacts and information of historic value pertaining to Haverford Township, the Society has played a critical role in preserving our local history.
The Historical Society saved, moved, rebuilt and furnished the Lawrence Cabin (between 1690 and 1710), now located on Karakung Drive in Powder Mill Valley Park, and entered into a formal agreement with Haverford Township to also occupy, furnish, look after and run public programs at Nitre Hall (ca. 1810) and the Federal School (1797). In these historic sites, we have created award-winning educational programs staffed by Society volunteers. Visitors can also enjoy these local treasures during open houses, special events and by prior appointment.
Please explore this website to see and learn more of what we do!